About GECO

Gitxaała Enterprises

GECO is the proud business entity of Gitxaała Nation.

GITXAAŁA ENTERPRISES CORPORATION (GECO) contributes to the overall growth and sustainability of the Gitxaała Nation communities by working with local businesses and industry partners. We work together to be environmentally focused, while helping business continually move forward.

Gitxaała territory is in the northwest of beautiful British Columbia, stretching from the Nass River to Aristazabel Island. We take great pride in managing and protecting our land and natural resources according to our ayaawx, traditional laws. Our Territory provides a unique opportunity with its geographic location. With abundance of natural resources, the import and export opportunities and our knowledge of the land and water we are situated for a strong economic advantage.

Our Mission

Creating generational prosperity for Gitxaała citizens.

Our Vision

Gitxaała Enterprises will create multi-generational wealth and economic self-sufficiency through business development in a manner that aligns with the Gitxaała retention of its territory, natural resources, land, and air in a self-governing, self-sustaining way inclusive of all its citizens.